What is Customs Clearance?

Customs Clearance Service

Customs clearance is the process of documenting the comings and goings of goods

Customs clearance is the process of documenting the comings and goings of goods as they enter or leave a country. Customs clearance entails calculating the value-added tax (VAT) and duties that may be due on those goods, as well as following the correct procedure to ensure that the goods enter or exit the country legitimately.



If you do not adequately prepare your Customs Clearance Paperwork, Customs may refuse to allow your goods to enter or leave the jurisdiction. You can hire a customs agent or freight forwarder to manage the Customs Clearance procedure to help ensure your goods are allowed exit or entry.


ACA International provides Customs Clearance Services for goods entering and exiting Ireland, Northern Ireland and Great Britain. We specialise in Customs Clearance and General Freight Forwarding.