Tag Archive for: economy

Aca International Customs Clearance

Encouraging Recovery with Minimal Year-Over-Year Contraction

Aca International Customs Clearance

Amidst the challenges posed by the ongoing pandemic, the aviation industry has been grappling with fluctuations in demand and supply. However, the June 2023 data brings a breath of fresh air, as the contraction in demand has significantly reduced.


In a significant development for the aviation industry, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) has unveiled its latest data for the global air cargo markets in June 2023. The report indicates a noteworthy milestone, showcasing the smallest year-over-year contraction in demand since February 2022. This promising trend hints at a gradual revival of the air cargo sector and provides a glimmer of hope for the industry’s future.

While the recovery journey remains ongoing, the IATA’s data offers several optimistic takeaways. The diminished year-over-year contraction underlines the gradual stabilization of global air cargo markets, signifying increased consumer confidence and economic rebound. As travel restrictions ease and international trade gains momentum, the air cargo industry seems poised for a steady resurgence.

The sustained efforts of airlines, cargo operators, and stakeholders in innovating and implementing new strategies have contributed to this positive trajectory. The data reaffirms the pivotal role of air cargo in maintaining supply chains and facilitating the movement of essential goods across borders.

In conclusion, the June 2023 global air cargo market data released by the IATA reflects a heartening step forward. With the smallest year-over-year contraction in demand since February 2022, the industry is on a path to recovery. As nations gradually reopen and economic activities regain traction, the air cargo sector’s resilience shines through, offering a beacon of hope for a revitalized aviation landscape.

If you have any queries call us at +353 1 533 7772 or email us at [email protected]. And visit our website, our facebook and Linkedin pages.

Rise of costs aca international

5 reasons why freight and logistics costs are so high in Ireland these days

Rise of costs aca international

In recent times, freight and logistics firms in Ireland have been grappling with a significant challenge—the steep rise in costs.


The ongoing crisis has put immense pressure on the industry, impacting various aspects of operations. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the escalating costs faced by freight and logistics companies in Ireland and the potential implications they may have on the industry.

1- Increased Fuel Expenses One of the primary contributors to the mounting costs for freight and logistics firms is the surge in fuel prices. The escalating costs of diesel and gasoline have significantly impacted transportation expenses, making it more expensive for companies to move goods within and across Ireland. As fuel prices continue to climb, it becomes crucial for businesses to seek innovative strategies to optimize fuel efficiency and explore alternative energy sources.

2- Supply Chain Disruptions The recent crisis has unleashed widespread supply chain disruptions, exacerbating the challenges faced by freight and logistics firms. Disruptions in global trade, shortage of raw materials, and delays at ports have caused a domino effect throughout the industry. These interruptions have led to increased lead times, additional storage costs, and higher freight rates, directly impacting the overall operational expenses of logistics companies.

3- Capacity Constraints and Increased Demand Another critical factor affecting costs in the freight and logistics sector is the combination of capacity constraints and surging demand. The pandemic-induced labor shortages and operational limitations have limited the available capacity, resulting in increased prices for transportation services. The surge in e-commerce activities and changing consumer behavior have further amplified demand for freight and logistics services, putting additional strain on the industry.

4- Regulatory Compliance and Customs Complexity With Ireland’s departure from the European Union, freight and logistics companies have encountered new regulatory requirements and customs complexities. The introduction of customs checks and increased documentation has added administrative burdens and time-consuming processes. These additional compliance costs have further contributed to the overall rise in expenses for logistics firms operating in Ireland.

5- Rising Labor and Insurance Costs The recent crisis has led to a scarcity of skilled labor in the industry, thereby driving up labor costs. Freight and logistics companies are facing the challenge of attracting and retaining qualified personnel, necessitating higher wages and training expenses. Additionally, insurance costs have surged due to various factors, including increased risks associated with transportation, cargo handling, and liability coverage, leading to additional financial burdens for logistics firms.

If you have any queries call us at +353 1 533 7772 or email us at [email protected]. And visit our website, our facebook and Linkedin pages.

Northern Ireland Protocol 2.0

The 5 key aspects of the Windsor Agreement and its implications for Northern Ireland.

Northern Ireland Protocol 2.0

The Windsor Agreement marks a significant milestone in the ongoing Northern Ireland Protocol negotiations. A New Era of Stability and Cooperation.


As a crucial component of the Brexit deal, the Protocol aimed to address the complexities of the Irish border. With the introduction of the Northern Ireland Protocol 2.0, a new era of stability and cooperation is on the horizon. In this article, we’ll explore the key aspects of the Windsor Agreement and its implications for Northern Ireland.

  1. Understanding the Northern Ireland Protocol: The Northern Ireland Protocol was initially designed to prevent a hard border between Northern Ireland (part of the UK) and the Republic of Ireland (an EU member state). It established a unique set of rules governing trade and customs, ensuring the seamless flow of goods while safeguarding the Good Friday Agreement.
  2. The Challenges: Since its implementation, the Northern Ireland Protocol has faced its share of challenges. Concerns over border checks, disruptions to trade, and potential threats to the delicate peace in Northern Ireland prompted the need for a revised agreement that would address these issues.
  3. The Windsor Agreement: The Windsor Agreement, also referred to as Northern Ireland Protocol 2.0, represents a collaborative effort between the UK and the EU to find common ground and resolve the outstanding issues. Named after the location where the agreement was reached, it sets out a roadmap for a more workable and sustainable relationship between the parties.
  4. Key Elements of the Windsor Agreement:
  • Streamlined Border Checks: The new agreement aims to minimize border checks on goods moving between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This will alleviate trade disruptions and maintain the integrity of the UK internal market.
  • Enhanced Regulatory Alignment: The Protocol 2.0 focuses on aligning regulations on goods between the UK and the EU, reducing the need for burdensome checks and ensuring fair competition.
  • Consent Mechanism: The consent mechanism, allowing the Northern Ireland Assembly to vote on the continuation of the Protocol, has been strengthened, ensuring democratic accountability.
  1. Implications for Northern Ireland: The Windsor Agreement holds several implications for Northern Ireland:
  • Trade Stability: By addressing the concerns over trade disruptions, businesses in Northern Ireland can look forward to increased stability and reduced uncertainty.
  • Peace and Stability: The agreement reinforces the commitment to the Good Friday Agreement and aims to preserve peace and stability in the region.
  • Rebuilding Trust: The collaborative nature of the agreement fosters a sense of trust between the UK, the EU, and the people of Northern Ireland, paving the way for future cooperation.

The Windsor Agreement, or Northern Ireland Protocol 2.0, signals a new chapter in the ongoing negotiations surrounding the Irish border. By addressing the challenges of the previous agreement and finding common ground, the UK and the EU have paved the way for a more stable and cooperative future. The streamlined border checks, enhanced regulatory alignment, and strengthened consent mechanism outlined in the agreement will not only benefit businesses but also ensure the preservation of peace and stability in Northern Ireland.

If you have any queries call us at +353 1 533 7772 or email us at [email protected]. And visit our website, our facebook and Linkedin pages.


Inflation enviornment ACA International

3 tips on how supply chains can thrive in an inflationary environment

Inflation enviornment ACA International

Despite highly challenging macroeconomic conditions, supply chain and procurement professionals are responsible for managing their organizations’ value chains.

Today’s global economy is facing significant challenges, which is an understatement. Consumer and producer price index inflation indices should be closely monitored.

What can retailers and manufacturers do to mitigate the increased prices at which products need to be purchased? How can manufacturers and retailers adopt other longer-term and systematic methods?

Here are 3 tips we at ACA International consider important to follow.

1- Improve the inventory’s form and function

Manufacturers and retailers are hit twice by high PPI and high-interest rates. In addition to the price at which they purchase products, inventory carrying costs also increase. Inventory must be placed at the right place, at the right time, and the right price.

2- Enhance the efficiency of business expenditures

The current business climate requires visibility into all direct and indirect expenditures and diligently reducing expenditures without impacting performance.

3- Build better relationships with suppliers

This dramatic price increase can be mitigated by building a trusting and transparent relationship with suppliers.

If you have any queries call us at +353 1 533 7772 or email us at [email protected]. And visit our website, our facebook and Linkedin pages.